Wednesday, February 19, 2014

Correction Access codes for workshop


If you are registering to get for the workshop we have discovered that the access code is wrong you need W04access not WS04access as I said in the email. 

Tuesday, February 18, 2014

All the reviews are out

To our authors sorry for the delay of getting some reviews out to you. This was a mixture of the extended submission date combined with a family berivement for one our reviewers. If you I have not received a review by now check your junk mailbox and if that fails E-mail Nick Dalton immediately.

We have had some super submissions and have accepted 25 papers. 

Thanks to all our authors  for their hard work!

Monday, February 3, 2014

Advances in Architectural Geometry - MIT

I thought the website could do with a visual change in pace, here is something from the world of Architecture about what they are working on.